LHRL-Episode 7


Today, Von and I had the opportunity to talk with a gentleman named Jordan Hooker. Jordan is an employee at “Barbell Shrugged“, and an active member of Faction Strength and Conditioning in Cordova, TN. Jordan is working on one a project that I believe has as much potential to change people’s lives as anything that I have heard. Jordan, like myself, is a drug addict and alcoholic in recovery. He has begun working towards helping other people, who are new in recovery, by teaming up with local CrossFit gyms on an initiative called “Project Phenix”. Project Phenix is a program which allows drug addicts and alcoholics the opportunity to participate in CrossFit classes, free of charge, while they get back on their feet. This is in no way rewarding the behavior of drug addicts or alcoholics, as there are expectations of not only eventually paying their own way, but also helping to financially assist newer members to the program, as they progress in both life and the recovery process.

Jordan is a totally cool and interesting guy, who has a great story and the potential to help a lot of people. He has worked extremely hard to put his life back together, and has a high level of self-honesty about him that I found very appealing. His willingness to tackle a project like this and work with the people in the community is admirable, and very much in need. I cannot wait to follow Jordan on his progress, and hope to provide assistance in any way that I can. If you or someone you love is new in recovery and does not have the financial means to pay for a gym membership, but has the desire to make a change in their life, Project Phoenix might be able to help.

You can contact Jordan at projectphenixmemphis@gmail.com

FB: Project Phenix Memphis

Instagram: Project Phenix