LHRL Podcast Episode 10 w/ Drew Womack

LHRL Podcast Episode 10 w/ Drew Womack

LHRL Podcast using the Google Hangouts On-Air format. We learn a little about Drew and his fitness regimen, as well as some obstacles he has to live with. We had a great time visiting and figuring out the new format. Thanks Drew Womack!! Next week we will begin going...


I got a great question from @smathis2002 on Twitter this morning: Any shoes that are best for crossfit/squats/deads/short distance interval sprints & 5k runs? Lifting This is a timely question as I have recently been testing out something a little bit different....
Benefits of CrossFit

Benefits of CrossFit

What are the benefits of CrossFit? This is a great question. If you know me personally, you know that I’ve had some great success with CrossFit. Going from a sedentary suburban dad to an ultra marathon runner that can deadlift 400+ pounds. So here I am writing...
Squats and Training…

Squats and Training…

Ted sent in a question… How do you fit running in with heavy squats? That has been my greatest challenge. I don’t run much the day before (so my squats don’t suffer) but I’m wrecked for days after squat day. My squat workouts are pretty brutal....
Reader Question: My Deadlift and Where I Started…

Reader Question: My Deadlift and Where I Started…

I got a couple of really good questions today, and thought it would be great to answer them on the blog.  Here we go with the first one… From Gabe on the Facebook Page: Where did you start and how long did it take you to get your Deadlift over 400#s? I...