Great day in the gym, but I’m wearing down a little. I may need to take off tomorrow. We’ll see. With the Crossfit Games Open WOD 13.1 being announced today, I will probably be doing that on Friday morning so depending on what the WOD is I may take a rest day tomorrow. We’ll see.
Started off today with my running skills/drills. 20 minutes. I decided to do a couple of little videos of these to see how I actually looked. This was a great idea, and I was able to correct some posture issues that I noticed. I’m going to start filming more to analyze mechanics and setup until I can get another coach to put eyes on me.
Next, lots of squats:
Back Squat 4 Rep Max; 4 x 4 @ 90% of that 4RM
I took my time with this, and it felt good. I started with the bar, and worked up to a 250# 4 Rep Max. So I did the 4 x 4 reps/sets at 225#. These got a little tough towards the end, but I wasn’t struggling at all. They felt good.
Now, here’s where I ran into a little trouble. I was supposed to do 5 Rounds of 115# OH Squats x 12 and 10 Pull ups. Once I got the 115# over my head and tried some squats, my left shoulder started screaming at me big time. It didn’t feel like an injury, more like “hey, I ain’t doing this today. Stop.” So I went down in weight, and the movement still didn’t feel right so I bailed on that workout and just did the MetCon with the 6am class that was in the gym. That was this:
6 Rounds
- 10 Hand Release Push Ups
- 10 Ring Rows
- Max Double Unders in 1 Minute
I finished in around 9:45 with 340 double unders. I think that was pretty good. Double Unders are a big strength for me so that helped.
Tonight’s running will consist of:
3 x 1000 Meter Run; Rest 3 Minutes
Monday my track was taken by the local High School track team so I couldn’t train there and had to run on the road at home. I’m guessing tonight will be the same situation.