After coaching the running course last night I didn’t feel like getting up this morning at 4:45am to get to the gym so I went over to a friends gym by my work.  CrossFit Collierville in Collierville, TN:



  • Barbell Row 4RM; 4 x 4 @ 90%
  • EMOM 8 Minutes 2 x Jerk @ 145#

Worked up to 175# on the Barbell Row, and did the reps at 155#.  Felt good.  The Jerks felt good as well.  I probably should have gone a little heavier, but I was trying to hurry since I was on my lunch break.

Then there was a nasty little WOD.  I think I’ll call this one “The rounds are too damn high!”

10 Rounds

  • 6 Toes To Bar
  • 6 WallBall Shots (20# Ball)
  • 6 Kettlebell Swings @ 70#

Those Kettlebell swings got tough.  It sounds like an easy little WOD, but it’s a tough one.  I wrapped it up in 12:17, and went back to work.  Thanks to Justin at CF Collierville for letting me coming in for a workout!! Great gym!

I have a 5 Mile time trial scheduled for this weekend.  I’m not sure if I’ll get that done Saturday or Sunday, but I’ll make sure to get that knocked out.