If you’re a listener to the LHRL podcast and already listened to episode #144, you heard the latest 5 star review that Wilson read. A listener gave me a shout out for my support in the Facebook group. It nearly brought tears to my eyes. Whoever you are, thank you for that, it means an incredible amount.
Things have been tough lately in my life. My significant other lost his job in January due to a sudden life altering illness and we have no idea if he’ll ever be able to go back to work. So many medical appointments, tests, stress, money, and all of it needs time off work for me because he’s unable to drive now. I struggled to be part of the FB group for a good portion of the last 4 months because my head was in a bad place. I was scared, angry, and just plain lost. Thankfully, I still went to the group posts each day and read and “liked” posts and did my best to offer encouragement when I could. I was reminded that there was a life outside of the crap I was digging through in my own daily life. There were muscles to work and miles to run. You all helped me find the will in my soul to just keep going and get in a few miles when I could and do whatever I could at home for strength training.
My sweetie is improving slowly but there is little hope he’ll be able to hold down a job this year. Thankfully, I was able to get him on my medical insurance and we live a pretty low overhead lifestyle so my paycheck covers our needs for now. All good things.
This morning I was happy to be able to run few miles before work since my left foot is improving after a flare of Plantar Fasciitis. (As if I needed one more thing to deal with?) The weekend here in Northern Michigan is supposed to be beautiful Friday-Sunday with temps in the upper 50’s to low 60’s and sunshine most of the time. The bugs aren’t out yet so trail miles through the forest will be glorious.
The epic adventures and ordinary stuff you all posted about the last 4 months gave me moments to drift away from the pressure of the situation I’ve been dealing with and I want to say thank you. I enjoy cheering for all of you – it gives me great joy.
Keep being awesome and I’ll keep cheering for every single one of you that I can (and still get my real job done each day).