Today was the last full on workout before the Bartlett Park Ultras next Saturday.  Next week I will be going light, but today was anything but light.  Started with a 3 rep max clean:

Power Clean 3RM

Worked up to my 185 max, and then went for 195.  I got it twice, but missed the 3rd rep.  I’m not really disappointed in that.  The 195 actually felt pretty good. Last Saturday, I had a hard time getting the 185 3 Rep max and it came much easier this morning so that’s good.


4 Rounds

4 Minute AMRAP

  • 5 CTB Pull Ups
  • 10 Wall Ball Shots (30 Lbs.)

Rest 3 Minutes between each AMRAP

It’s crazy how much heavier the 30lb wallball feels that a 20lb wallball.  It feels much heavier than 10 lbs.  Those wallballs just destroyed me. On the first round I got 6 rounds even.  Second round:  5 + 6 Wallballs.  Third round: 4 + 1 Wallball.  Fourth Round:  4 + 5 Pullups

Now I’m ready for a little rest.  I’m really excited about the race next week.  I guess because it’s been a while since I have ran a long way and I can’t wait to get out there in the woods.  I also can’t wait to see how well I do.  I feel like I am running much better than I have before, so we’ll see how it goes.  My goal is to break 6 hours (50K distance), but I’ll be super happy if I get closer to 5:30.

Have a great weekend, and don’t forget to check out the latest Barbell Shrugged w/ our friend Mike McG. on everything you need to know about mobility: