For the past 2 years I’ve done a lot of heavy lifting and none of it has involved actual heavy physical weight from a barbell. I miss the barbell and plan to find a way to get back to it in 2020. However, when I was still lifting heavy I learned a lot about myself and it’s carried me through some tough crap these past 2 years. The lessons we learn in our daily physical activity should be drawn from for our emotional journeys. The most poignant of parallels between mental and physical strength I’ve found are:
- You’re so much stronger than you’d ever imagine
- You can build more strength at any time
- Exhaustion comes in all forms (mental, physical, emotional)
- When you think the well is dry, you just dig deeper to replenish it
- Recognizing the strength of your partners and celebrating them is just as important as celebrating yourself
- Naps are never a bad idea
Collect joy, build strength, tap your reserves when you need to and when others need you to. -Brenda-