I haven’t been posting training lately, but I’m going to try to get back into doing it every day again.  I need to keep track of things, and it helps to keep notes and ideas.  I felt like running yesterday, so I went out for 5 miles.  Here’s the Garmin data if you’re interested. I felt really good aside from the fact that it was a bit warm and muggy.  That made it a little tougher.  It was pretty easy to keep the pace under 8 minutes.  That actually surprised me a little bit.  Anyway, on to Monday!

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Strength Work

  • Back Squat 5 x 5
  • Pull Up 1RM – Weighted

The squats felt really good.  Worked up to 225# and did the 5 x 5 at that weight.  It’s been quite a while since I’ve done a 1RM Weighted Pull Up so I didn’t really know what to expect.  I had thought that the last time I did it I had trouble with 35#, but I’m not sure.  I worked up to 63# using a 53# Kettlebell and a 10# plate.  Felt good.


4 Rounds

  • 400M Run
  • 15 Sit Ups
  • 10 KB Swings
  • 10 Push Ups

Pretty good little workout there.   Finished in 11:37.  I used a 53# Kettlebell, but should have gone with the 70#.  Nothing during this workout felt difficult at all.  I should have ran faster.  Just for good measure, I cashed out with a Tabata Row.  Just one round.

I’ve gotten a lot of good emails and feedback on the Facebook page that have inspired some good blog posts.  I should be posting at least one new post this week outside of training logs so be watching for that.  If you ever have a question or a topic that you would like to have me write about just let me know.  Now, off to work! 🙂