There is no such thing as an unpleasant smile.
There are pleasant people who don’t smile very often, and there are unpleasant people who smile sometimes…but there is no such thing as an unpleasant smile.
I believe that.
I also believe that a smile is the single most sexy, handsome, and attractive improvement that one can make to themselves. Ain’t no gym, outlet store, or cosmetic surgeon that can yield the results that come with a smile.
I was editing a video this weekend. It contained a lot of different people from a lots of different angles. I was in a hurry and it was necessary for me to move through the frames rather quickly. However, when I came across people smile, I would naturally pause and rewind, pause and rewind. It made me appreciate having each of these smiles in my life.
You can brag on yourself as much as you like. You can be the very best at what you do. You can rise through the ranks and take your place at the top, but if you can’t find a reason to smile, I will remain unimpressed.
Finding a reason to smile can be difficult. Those who do it often have mastered something difficult. Skills are lost behind a scowl. –There’s your tweet
Peace, Love, and all things Beef related,