Had a great weekend long run.  20 miles at a local trail.  Here are the splits:

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On the first 10 miles I really thought we were running too fast and I was expecting a pretty big bonk on the second loop.  I was running with my normal running partner’s Shawn and Brian and a couple of other pretty decent runners.  Brian split after the first 10, and the rest of us kept going for another 10.  I really was not expecting to keep this pace up for the second loop.  I hung on though and was really happy with the pace we kept.  I got a little discouraged near the end because the other 3 runners got a couple of minutes ahead of me.  I tried not to let it bother me, and pressed on.  I was feeling it, but now that I see from the splits above that they started running a little faster I don’t feel bad at all.  This run was a great confidence booster, and makes me really think that a 5:30 Sylamore time is within reach.  5:30 is a 10:37 pace, and I ran much faster than that for this 20.  I can’t wait until the race to see how things unfold.  Shawn is talking about pushing it closer to 5 hours, but I’m going to be happy if I can get to 5:30.

Here’s a pic of the map.  I thought it looked kind of funny for some reason…

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Looking forward to another week of training starting tomorrow.  Gotta focus and get work done!!