It’s been a pretty good week of training. MLK day was Monday, and I was off of work so the family and I headed to the lake house in Mountain Home, AR. Since I couldn’t get to the gym I made sure to find some work to do. There’s a gnarly hill that the house sits on, and there were these piles of wood that I’ve been talking about carrying up the hill for at least a year now. I would keep saying, “that would be a great workout bringing those piles of firewood up to the top of the hill.” I just never did it until this trip. We were out of firewood, so I really had no choice. Of course, I snapped a pic:
Fun workout! When we got back on Tuesday I hit the gym:
- 3 Muscle Ups EMOM 8 min
Once again, I’m still nailing down my Muscle Ups so I used this as practice time. I can’t string 3 together so I just did one attempt every minute for 8 minutes. I was VERY excited to nail 4 of them. I really think I’m getting the hang of it and I’ll be stringing them together very soon. That. Is. Awesome!
- Snatch 3 x 1 @ 90%
- Clean & Jerk 3 x 1 @ 90%
- Snatch Pull 5 x 4 @ 90% of Snatch 1RM
Nothing too exciting here. Just practicing my Olympic lifts.
- 3 x 60 sec row; rest 3 min
- rest 10 min
- 3 x 60 sec row; rest 3 min
This was a good conditioning workout. I wasn’t really pacing, but the pace stayed between 1:33 and 1:38 for all rows.
Then back to the gym on Wednesday morning:
Rope climbs were ok. Hang cleans were done at 65Kg. On the Front Squat I used 205 lbs. These got really hard by the 6 or 7th round. Felt good though. Then I knocked out all those double unders in 9:36. I did not do them unbroken. It wasn’t specified that you were supposed to do them unbroken, but I noticed some of the other people following the competition WOD did them unbroken.
Thursday I decided to make up Monday’s workout since I was out of town…ouch!
- 5 HSPU EMOM 10 min
These weren’t too bad, but by the 6 or 7th round I could only get 3 instead of 5 reps. Feeling pretty good that I can actually put these together. I remember needing to scale every time not too long ago. Progress is awesome!
- Hang Snatch below the knee 6 x 2 @ 70%
- Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 Overhead Squats x 3 sets – heavy
- Back Squat 8 x 1 @ 90% of 1RM EMOM
Today my 90% was 275 lbs. (See the Barbell Shrugged Episode Below) – It was tough doing these the day after heavy Front Squats. Not sure that was smart or not, but I got it done.
- 500m Row
- 15 KB Swings (70/53#)
- 15 Burpees
- 15 Pullups
- rest 5 min
Holy smokes! I honestly tried to talk myself out of this. I was going to do only 3 rounds, then I was going to scale the reps to 15, 10, and 5 or something like that. I put on my big boy pants and powered through it. It was very tough. Took me 35 minutes with the rest. So, all the work took me about 20 minutes. Wore me out, but it felt great afterward.
I’ll be running 20 miles at a local trail on Saturday so I’m resting today.
Don’t forget to check out the latest Barbell Shrugged episode. It’s INTENSE!!!!!!!!!
Also, check out the new Sponsors page. I’m super excited to add Mobility Kits as a sponsor!! Go check them out if you haven’t already. It’s a great product that I think every athlete should own. If you’re an ultra runner that travels to a lot of races, this thing is perfect for you. Mobility Kits Dot Com! Use Your Balls! If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor, let me know.
Have a great weekend, and if you’re competing in something this weekend let us know about it!! Get out there and kick some ass!