You spot it, you got it.
That’s a known truth.
I hate that. I hate that my character defects can be so glaring, yet I’m always the last to know.
I’m easily irritated. I think that says a lot.
I’m usually irritated at the behavior of others. I think that says even more.
I get frustrated at how quickly people become frustrated…because I am so easily frustrated.
It drives me nuts when people fish for compliments… because I am the Capt Ahab of compliment fishing. **I had to google Capt. Ahab. I originally went with Jacques Cousteu**
Drama? I hate drama…most likely, because I’m an absolute drama queen.
As a pouter, I have no tolerance for pouting.
From my understanding and experience, that’s the way it works. When I am bothered by the behavior of others, it’s usually because it is a reflection of myself in some capacity. I know a phony when I see one, and I know when someone has ulterior motives. This is coming from a guy who has tried to be who I am not, and been a self-seeking snake at numerous periods in my life. What I have found is that I am much more the model to that which I critique and makes me angry, than I am to the contrary.
You spot it, you got it.
I don’t think that this is a “bad” thing. I don’t think that it is necessarily a “good” thing. I think it is an interesting thing, and something that is worthy of attention. I think it’s eye-opening and I think it’s good to be aware of it. It indicates to me that if I am willing to put in the work to make myself a better person, than the world around me will become better for it.
As I roll my eyes, thumb my nose, mumble under my breath, huff with impatience, and gossip about others, it might be worth taking a look at what is broken inside of me.
Be present. Be aware. Be energetic. Be happy.
Peace, Love, and all things Beef related,
You my brother from a different mother. That is me. Thanks for sharing
Thank you, my friend! I appreciate the encouragement. Have a great day.