I would imagine that the dude who chiseled on the concrete slabs was excited about the scroll and feather.
I assume that the individual who used the ink quill probably appreciated the ballpoint pen.
Then paper.
Next notebooks.
Trapper Keepers.
Post-it Notes.
Liquid Paper.
Palm pilots.
More apps.
Automation is everywhere.
I love automation. I am on a perpetual quest to automate as many areas of my life, and my business, as possible. After doing a relatively successful job of automating many functions of my business, I can honestly say, it has not made my life any easier.
For everything simplified by automation, I replace it with something else that needs to be automated, or I fill the slot with another obligation. Automation is not a means to an end. If automation frees up time, it is merely opening another slot to be filled. That is the reality of it. There is a degree of stress, worry, obligation, and concern that I seem to be intent on maintaining. If the stress is lifted away, I will replace it with something else; if it is lightened, I will load it.
The idea of reaching the point where it all becomes “easy” is an illusion. I should be aware of this and learn to enjoy what is in front of me.
“Take it easy”, is what they say. That is easier said than done. I don’t know exactly how to do that, but I am pretty sure that is easier accomplished through introspection rather than automation.
My grandfather was the most contented man I ever met. His quest for technology never went past the manually propelled lawnmower, the folding lawnchair, sweet tea, and the v-neck tee shirt. His fascination of the family dinner never seemed to sway, and he never once asked for an update.
I think appreciation makes life better, not automation.
Peace, Love, and all things Beef related,