John Roebling was responsible for building the Brooklyn Bridge. Well, he and another 600 workers (27 of whom died in the process).

Mr. Roebling was responsible for bridging the gap between Manhattan and Brooklyn. While I am certain that Mr. Roebling wanted there to be a link between these two cities, I believe that he was probably more concerned with bridging the gap between impossible and possible. Technically, it was the 600 workers who built the bridge; Roebling was responsible for relaying the information and producing the result.

Roger Bannister was a bridge builder. He bridged the gap between the impossible and possible when he broke the 4-minute mile. Of course, Mr. Bannister’s coaches, supporters, family and friend’s could take some responsibility for the achievement as well. Roger’s bridge was built with the help of others, he just showed the world that it could be crossed.

On some level, we have the opportunity to bridge the gap between the impossible and possible in the lives of others’ virtually every day. The only tools needed are that of encouragement.

My parents are bridge builders. My little league coaches, youth leaders, mentors, and friends have all, at some point, convinced me that I could do or be something that I considered an impossibility.

It costs nothing to believe and takes no effort to support. The skills required to envy and doubt are no more complicated than those required to encourage and invigorate.

You don’t have to be an educated engineer or high-level athlete to build bridges.

Do you enjoy seeing others do well or do you feel threatened by their success?

Often times, I am the latter.

Bridge building takes work.

Most things do.

Peace, Love, and all things Beef related,
